Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Aurora Borealis

I was remembering a conversation I had with my mother a while back about her wanting to see the Northern lights or Aurora Borealis before she dies. It got me to thinking about them and how amazing it would be to see them in person. Since I live in Texas and probably won't get to see them anytime soon. I decided to google them just to have a look at the different kinds and came across so many beautiful pictures. I decided to put this one up because it just seemed so casual like someone stepped out on there porch and snapped a picture. As I am browsing these pictures I am a listening to a radio show and there is a dream expert talking about how to tap into your dreams to improve your life. He says to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up or even write down whatever is on you mind as you are waking up. I have heard of this before but never gave much thought into actually doing it. I might give it a try and post some of the things I write in a future blog. The people that are calling in to the radio show are asking this dream expert to interpret their dreams. He gives a pretty general interpretation. Some people have some pretty crazy dreams. I try to remember my dreams, but I am not usually successful. I guess I will look into this and blog about it next time. I also posted some links of some pages I like so check them out. Some of the lingks are local Houston stuff and some of the links are just sites that I have stumbled upon. So check them out if you want. I might blog about a few of them in the future. Anyways I think I am going off to have one of those crazy dreams of mine and see if I can tap in to some unused portion of my brain.
Until the next post!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm fairly new to this whole blogging thing. I have quite a few blogs I have followed and they have inspired me to share my thoughts with the world. This is the generation in which we do not hide who we are and our voices are heard all around the world. I sit in my tiny apartment, my safehaven, and hide myself from everything. I am still in this apartment, but I believe that reaching out to people may have an impact not only on myself but on other as well. I do not intend to force my opinions or my beliefs on others. I do not plan to stand on my soapbox and point fingers. I just want to have a place to show others what and how I feel about my tiny world. To experience how I see things. For those who have stumbled across this blog in its early stages maybe you will return maybe you won't. I'm not sure exactly what you will find here in the future ,but I'm sure it could be a number of things. This new endeavor I have taken on will hopefully change me by keeping me from staying indifferent to the world around me. As you can see the title of my blog is Vivid Apathy. I chose this because it is to me an oxymoron that describes my life up to this point. The quote beneath it was something I found about indifference and apathy. It really spoke to me and made me realize that the worst thing I could have ever done in my life is to turn away. Like I said I don't expect to change the world but I do hope that I will change myself. I intend to become less apathetic and more involved. I will do this by blogging as often as I can about the things in my life that I find funny, beautiful, creative, annoying, inspiring, etc. It won't always be serious or funny. You may disagree with some of the things you see or you may not.

Anyway thanks for taking the time
