Friday, April 10, 2009

Mass Teabagging of Congress

This was the hardest I have laughed in days........

Insanitea is right......And I wondered what people were going to talk about once Bush left office.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Invisible Monsters

Chuck Palahniuk is a genius. This is a quote from one of his books Invisible Monsters .(see avatar picture left.) I always felt that the people in our lives shape us so much. I've met some people that I thought were quite original, but I wondered that if I knew the people in their lives if I would feel the same way. I think I would start to see pieces of that person in all the people that surrounded them.(People they love people they admire people they hate) I will hear a joke and from one person and tell it to a different person and boom thats how it works. You hear a song in someones car and you look it up on itunes and suddenly you have a favorite new band. I don't think we all have sociopathic personalities hiding underneath our exterior, but I do believe there are some unconscious tendencies. Another quote from the book is "The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person." It's like the song love stinks but way more profound haha. I think that when you are not attached to a specific person this is true. I have seen it so much in my life. Someone loving someone so much but that person is married or in love with someone or devotes their life to their child or to God. I think that some people suffer with unrequited love because that's what they like about it. If the love was returned that person would just fall in love with someone else. I don't know maybe I'm a little bitter or jaded about love. I have seen people fall in and out of love with the same people over and over again but is it love? I mean real and true love or is it something else? I'm going to finish this blog with another quote from the same book tell me if you think this is true? "Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. This only looks like love."

Soul Pancake

So I stumbled upon this website called soul pancake. It's a very beautiful website co-created by Mr Rainn Wilson or maybe better known to some of you as Mr Dwight Schrute from The Office pictured left. I have been following him on Twitter and he puts up some of the questions and updates from the website. If you have a chance I would go check it out oh and of course follow him on twitter. I will post links on the my blog link section. One of the items to chew on that caught my eye was: list 5 things you would cut your pinky toe off for. Soooo after a bit of deliberation I have my list for you.
1. The choice of any career at whatever salary I choose.
2. The ability to be a gifted musician at whatever instrument I picked up.
3. To be an amazing artist with any medium.
4.To have my brother alive and well again.
5. And of course end world famine and disease.
So there it is my list. I know some of it may seem superficial to you , but if cutting of my pinky toe I would improve myself as a person on the inside I would do it. I am currently taking to long way to get to those first 3 goals by the way. The last two are just up to the fates.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to post yours here or at soul pancake.